

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Shukr Online

Shukr Women's Clothing

I just bought my friend a gift card to their website and she loved it!!!!!!
Everyone I have ever talked to has been impressed with the quality of the clothing ordered from this website. I think everything is beautiful and modest.

I have added a link on my fav's...and you can click on the link below.


Some stuff is a little pricey, but the quality is so worth it!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Generosity of Muslims

Every time my reversion to Islam gets difficult, something happens to enforce my decision to convert. Today I received a very generous gift. I had discussed my need of an abaya on my blog, and a reader approached me with the offer to buy me one. As an American, I was invisioning my murder because I gave out my home address. This person understood my anxiety and instead gave me the gift in a secure and annonymous fashion. This person made my day very special, especially considering it was the best graduation/ reversion present I have received! (other than the graduation/reversion themselves lol). The kindness of near strangers is often surprising, and I plead to everyone, learn from this person. Make someones day, week, month or year, and be generous. Who knows, you might just get a friendship out of it.........

Katie's Closet

BTW my new blog's URL is katies_closet.

Katie's Closet

Salaam everyone,

I am starting my own virtual clothing store called "Katie's Closet" insha'Allah. For now I will be just starting small with a few items and the more business I get, the more I can sell. However I would like feedback on what items to stock so this is where you all can help me out. If you want any specific item for cheaper than the online sites such as Shukr, Artizara, Primo Moda and such let me know what item and what size you want and I will try to get it for you at a cheaper price insha'Allah. I understand online shopping is VERY expensive and I am trying to sell more affordable women's clothing. Please email me suggestions and comments at
Thanks and salaam wa alaikum!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Great Books

My sisters from UMBC threw me a "reversion" party in November, and I received some books as gifts ( as well as a LOT of other things), and I just now am able to read them because my semester just ended ( al hamdililah).

Here are the few I have been able to read, and that I recommend. Hopefully there will be more soon insha'Allah:

2.Muhammad As If You Can See Him by A'id ibn 'abdullah al-Qarni and Faisal ibn Muhammad Shafeeq who is also the author of Don't Be Sad, which I would like to get to reading.....

I love reading biographies of the prophet(pbuh) because I feel like there are many lessons to be learned in knowing his actions and sayings in detail, and in context.

Purification of the Heart, is a great book, and a how-to guide to getting closer to Allah and how to purify your soul. I have not finished it yet, but I have gotten more insight on my flaws, and how I could be a better Muslim.

Salaam wa alaikum everyone,

Friday, December 18, 2009

99 Names of Allah

Last Final

I just took what is supposed to be my last final and insha'Allah it will be. I took 21 credits this semester and spread myself too thin so if I fail ( D is failing) it will be my own fault, but SO dissapointing. I was reciting DUAS for the past 3 or 4 days and it all comes down to one class...pass or not? AHHH! I really am excited though, even if I do fail this class, the WORST that could happen is I am short 1 class and have to take it next semester....NOT the end of the world....I have a few short things to do and then Fall 2009 is OVER....along with the foot of snow we are supposed to get this weekend...I think I'm starting to relax......Pray for me please! I really need your thoughts and prayers because I really want to graduate! I'm so exhausted from my undergraduate...and really really need to start a new chapter in my life...I'm SO bored with this one....ON TO THE NEXT! DUAS and SALAT for me please! I hope to be giving good news soon insha'Allah

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Unfortunately the man I want to marry is being extremely slow in the process of our marriage. People tell me conflicting opinions such as "if he really wanted it he would do it quickly" or "give him time, be patient". I am very confused about what to do. I know his heart is pure and he wants to marry me, however I feel he is scared of marriage or of the pressure to do things in the Saudi form. I don't know if it is wise to marry someone who is scared of marriage, however, is it wise to let someone you love go?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Two Websites I thought were great

Found a great poem about hijabis and also a good website on the Fiqh of Menstruation salaam wa alaikum!

Monday, December 7, 2009


Salaam everyone,
I went to a "Hunger Banquet" at UMBC, and in the banquet there was a very informative exercise on what the distribution of global wealth is like. 80% of the people in the room received only water and rice to eat, and were forced to sit on the floor on top of garbage bags. 15% received rice and beans and were allowed to sit in chairs and hold the food in their laps, 5% receieved spaghetti salad and juice and sat at a table facing each other. This was a wonderful experiment because it showed me how wealthy the U.S and people like myself actually am. According to the income numbers, I sit at the "elite table" with the spaghetti. Most people in the world make under $12,000 a year.....which the US. poverty line is $14,000......if you are interested in learning more about this, or throwing your own "hunger banquet" check out Oxfam International or Oxfam America
Thanks for reading....

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sisters in Need and Trouble

I have always been sensitive to the suffering of others...however there are certain things that drive me bananas and keep me up at night ( hence the post at 2am) is the suffering of our fellow sisters and their cries of help that go unanswered.
I am inspired to share two things with you all....
Number 1- Baltimore Homeless Shelter for Muslim Women Muslimat Al-Nisaa
I'm having a clothing donation party to collect clothes, money and other randoms female necessities....I think it is a really easy way to make a difference.
Invite tons of friends, supply a little food, everyone exchanges clothes, or makes donations.....any little bit helps and if you are rich in time, you could also volunteer...I'm hoping to make my way to volunteering after graduation insha'Allah.

Number 2- The apathetic attitude most of the world has towards the mistreatment of women all across the world. Women are being forced or coerced into prostitution (CHILDREN EVEN!), women are consistently being uneducated and abused( 3 Cups of Tea or Stones to Schools) and everyone is just standing around. I understand everyone's wallets are tight right now, so going to Afghanistan to build schools, or Thailand to rescue child prostitutes is not exactly an option, but I beg of all of you...just start the discussion! Just talking about it can spur SOMEONE to go help. Let's raise money for those blessed with the time to go help...let's band together to raise money to send through the mail....let's raise our voices and scream and shout for those who cannot do so for themselves. Awareness is the catalyst to action. Enough of these silent emergencies. Enough people having to watch their children starve...enough women getting obstetric fistulas even though it is extremely treatable and preventable....why aren't these situations being shouted from the roof tops and broadcast from every news channel? Please let us start by informing everyone...that we are all so lucky to even have this computer to type on...MOST of the WORLD and our fellow sisters do NOT have these luxuries...let alone food to is our duty as Muslimahs and HUMANS to act....please join me....
May Allah bless you all, and everyone that is in need. Thanks and until next time...
Salaam wa alaikum...