

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hijab Struggle

Salaam wa alaikum everyone....

I'm not sure if I am the only revert to Islam that struggles with hijab (or the only Muslimah in general), but sometimes I feel downright singled out when I cover. When I am in my new home of Alexandria, VA where Muslims are a common sight, and veiled women draw similar stares that sidewalk does, it is easy to feel peaceful in my modest attire. However, when I visit my hometown, or places where Muslims are a rare sight, and "jihad" means "holy war" and "WWJD (What would Jesus do)?" bumper stickers plaster minivans...I My innermost thoughts, desires and beliefs are sitting there wrapped around my face. Not that I am ashamed to be Muslim....I just don't like people placing me into a certain category without even meeting me....I understand that is human nature...but it just feels more exaggerated when I am wearing extra clothing. 

During a recent camping trip with my husband and non- muslim family, we visited a beach from my childhood and I felt particularly uncomfortable. Although I wore my "burquini" I did not don my headscarf on the beach. It happened to be "Biker Week", and although I know I am classifying "bikers" into categories as well, but I just felt like "Biker Week" and Islam do not mix. I still continued to be as modest as possible in my dress and actions, but from the neck up my progress as a Muslim woman had taken a big step back. I know God only knows what is truly in my heart, but I feel downright sick when I am wearing a scarf in a "hostile" environment. 

This is a small part of the many weaknesses in my Deen, and I hope that my words can offer some comfort to some struggling sisters. You are not alone. I pray that we will one day find the strength to be "Constant hijabis" and to deal with any kind of criticism that comes our way.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Russia Today Interview

I was interviewed by Russia Today about my conversion....

Russia Today Interview

Quran Burning and this other Craziness....

I really did not want to write about that raving fool in Florida, but since I watched the news this I have no choice. I feel like there is a double standard in this country with freedom of speech. religion, etc.....are you telling me that if an Iman decided to do a Bible burning party there would not be an uproar?? The Secretary of Defense actually called this jerk??? I feel like that implies that the only reason the country even cares that he is doing because they are afraid of we are some scary waring group, not people with feelings and love for our religion...I swear I want to cry at the though of the Holy Quran burning...does anyone else feel like the fact that he wants to set ANYTHING on fire makes him unstable.....

In other news Happy Ramadan and Happy Eid!