

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Shukr Online

Shukr Women's Clothing

I just bought my friend a gift card to their website and she loved it!!!!!!
Everyone I have ever talked to has been impressed with the quality of the clothing ordered from this website. I think everything is beautiful and modest.

I have added a link on my fav's...and you can click on the link below.


Some stuff is a little pricey, but the quality is so worth it!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Generosity of Muslims

Every time my reversion to Islam gets difficult, something happens to enforce my decision to convert. Today I received a very generous gift. I had discussed my need of an abaya on my blog, and a reader approached me with the offer to buy me one. As an American, I was invisioning my murder because I gave out my home address. This person understood my anxiety and instead gave me the gift in a secure and annonymous fashion. This person made my day very special, especially considering it was the best graduation/ reversion present I have received! (other than the graduation/reversion themselves lol). The kindness of near strangers is often surprising, and I plead to everyone, learn from this person. Make someones day, week, month or year, and be generous. Who knows, you might just get a friendship out of it.........

Katie's Closet

BTW my new blog's URL is katies_closet.

Katie's Closet

Salaam everyone,

I am starting my own virtual clothing store called "Katie's Closet" insha'Allah. For now I will be just starting small with a few items and the more business I get, the more I can sell. However I would like feedback on what items to stock so this is where you all can help me out. If you want any specific item for cheaper than the online sites such as Shukr, Artizara, Primo Moda and such let me know what item and what size you want and I will try to get it for you at a cheaper price insha'Allah. I understand online shopping is VERY expensive and I am trying to sell more affordable women's clothing. Please email me suggestions and comments at
Thanks and salaam wa alaikum!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Great Books

My sisters from UMBC threw me a "reversion" party in November, and I received some books as gifts ( as well as a LOT of other things), and I just now am able to read them because my semester just ended ( al hamdililah).

Here are the few I have been able to read, and that I recommend. Hopefully there will be more soon insha'Allah:

2.Muhammad As If You Can See Him by A'id ibn 'abdullah al-Qarni and Faisal ibn Muhammad Shafeeq who is also the author of Don't Be Sad, which I would like to get to reading.....

I love reading biographies of the prophet(pbuh) because I feel like there are many lessons to be learned in knowing his actions and sayings in detail, and in context.

Purification of the Heart, is a great book, and a how-to guide to getting closer to Allah and how to purify your soul. I have not finished it yet, but I have gotten more insight on my flaws, and how I could be a better Muslim.

Salaam wa alaikum everyone,

Friday, December 18, 2009

99 Names of Allah

Last Final

I just took what is supposed to be my last final and insha'Allah it will be. I took 21 credits this semester and spread myself too thin so if I fail ( D is failing) it will be my own fault, but SO dissapointing. I was reciting DUAS for the past 3 or 4 days and it all comes down to one class...pass or not? AHHH! I really am excited though, even if I do fail this class, the WORST that could happen is I am short 1 class and have to take it next semester....NOT the end of the world....I have a few short things to do and then Fall 2009 is OVER....along with the foot of snow we are supposed to get this weekend...I think I'm starting to relax......Pray for me please! I really need your thoughts and prayers because I really want to graduate! I'm so exhausted from my undergraduate...and really really need to start a new chapter in my life...I'm SO bored with this one....ON TO THE NEXT! DUAS and SALAT for me please! I hope to be giving good news soon insha'Allah

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Unfortunately the man I want to marry is being extremely slow in the process of our marriage. People tell me conflicting opinions such as "if he really wanted it he would do it quickly" or "give him time, be patient". I am very confused about what to do. I know his heart is pure and he wants to marry me, however I feel he is scared of marriage or of the pressure to do things in the Saudi form. I don't know if it is wise to marry someone who is scared of marriage, however, is it wise to let someone you love go?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Two Websites I thought were great

Found a great poem about hijabis and also a good website on the Fiqh of Menstruation salaam wa alaikum!

Monday, December 7, 2009


Salaam everyone,
I went to a "Hunger Banquet" at UMBC, and in the banquet there was a very informative exercise on what the distribution of global wealth is like. 80% of the people in the room received only water and rice to eat, and were forced to sit on the floor on top of garbage bags. 15% received rice and beans and were allowed to sit in chairs and hold the food in their laps, 5% receieved spaghetti salad and juice and sat at a table facing each other. This was a wonderful experiment because it showed me how wealthy the U.S and people like myself actually am. According to the income numbers, I sit at the "elite table" with the spaghetti. Most people in the world make under $12,000 a year.....which the US. poverty line is $14,000......if you are interested in learning more about this, or throwing your own "hunger banquet" check out Oxfam International or Oxfam America
Thanks for reading....

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sisters in Need and Trouble

I have always been sensitive to the suffering of others...however there are certain things that drive me bananas and keep me up at night ( hence the post at 2am) is the suffering of our fellow sisters and their cries of help that go unanswered.
I am inspired to share two things with you all....
Number 1- Baltimore Homeless Shelter for Muslim Women Muslimat Al-Nisaa
I'm having a clothing donation party to collect clothes, money and other randoms female necessities....I think it is a really easy way to make a difference.
Invite tons of friends, supply a little food, everyone exchanges clothes, or makes donations.....any little bit helps and if you are rich in time, you could also volunteer...I'm hoping to make my way to volunteering after graduation insha'Allah.

Number 2- The apathetic attitude most of the world has towards the mistreatment of women all across the world. Women are being forced or coerced into prostitution (CHILDREN EVEN!), women are consistently being uneducated and abused( 3 Cups of Tea or Stones to Schools) and everyone is just standing around. I understand everyone's wallets are tight right now, so going to Afghanistan to build schools, or Thailand to rescue child prostitutes is not exactly an option, but I beg of all of you...just start the discussion! Just talking about it can spur SOMEONE to go help. Let's raise money for those blessed with the time to go help...let's band together to raise money to send through the mail....let's raise our voices and scream and shout for those who cannot do so for themselves. Awareness is the catalyst to action. Enough of these silent emergencies. Enough people having to watch their children starve...enough women getting obstetric fistulas even though it is extremely treatable and preventable....why aren't these situations being shouted from the roof tops and broadcast from every news channel? Please let us start by informing everyone...that we are all so lucky to even have this computer to type on...MOST of the WORLD and our fellow sisters do NOT have these luxuries...let alone food to is our duty as Muslimahs and HUMANS to act....please join me....
May Allah bless you all, and everyone that is in need. Thanks and until next time...
Salaam wa alaikum...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving/Eid Mubarak

Although Thanksgiving was delightful, my mom made special halal food for me and Osamah, Eid was NOT how I planned. I planned on going to Black Friday at WalMart with my mother, then going to the mosque with a friend from high school. She facebooked me since I converted and was very surprised and glad, and wanted to spend time together. I not only slept through the Black Friday wake up call, but I also slept through the mosque wake up call. I was SOOOOO dissapointed. I really wanted to see her and I just am so upset that I missed Eid prayer. It was my first Eid( well this one).......anyways....

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hijabi Adventures in Lab

I have not been very happy this semester with my independent study advisors reaction to hijab. He asked me if my "boyfriend" made me wear it. ???? What the heck kind of comment is that. As if a female has to be "made " modest by a man. He makes me so uncomfortable, and he gave my computer away to another student! I feel uncomfortable around the other student as well, I think he was laughing at my hijab. I don't think he likes me at all. I cannot wait until I graduate and I'm finished with this lab. I hate dealing with ignorant people. Women in the sciences is important, and I am being treated differently because I'm not trying to be a distraction to the lab.....UGH! There is one supportive man however, but I just need a break from this nonsense, it is exhausting.
P.S.....Aren't environmental people supposed to the open minded...ha ha ha

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Ladies Nights

Where my girls at?

Salaam everyone!

I have just been thinking lately about blessings. I think one of the biggest blessing I have is my Muslim girlfriends. My whole life I was never really close with very many women outside my family. I had trouble relating to the mentality of certain women and just could never get close enough. Every since I have reverted al hamdulilah, I have met the most wonderful and kind sisters and I no longer feel that way about women! I always thought I was different and weird, but I just realized that I needed to meet women with different values. Ladies we must appreciate this relationship and even if we are married we must make time for our friends! This will not only keep our relationships fresh with our husbands, but it will refresh your soul so you can be a better wife and mother. Maintaining friendships and your own life is very important, and unfortunately many women sacrifice all of theirselves when they get married. How can you be the best wife and mother you can be if you don't enjoy yourself, or you don't even remember the last time you had an a adult conversation. Please ladies I beg you, MAKE TIME FOR YOURSELF, AND YOUR FEMALE FRIENDS. It will increase the quality of your life in all areas insha'Allah.

Thanks for reading. May Allah bless you all.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My First Time in Church Since Reverting

My mother runs a Halloween party as a fundraiser for UNICEF every year at the United Methodist church where I am from. She asked me to help her decorate and run the games and stuff. Of course I love my mother dearly, so I felt obligated to help her. I showed up a little nervous because...well duh. I was expecting...what are you for Halloween?'s and all of that. Well my mother assigned me the job of counting money, a task which I happily accepted. I sat counting money while watching the kids play, the magician, and the cake walk. Nobody really mentioned anything except there was this woman I COULD NOT GET RID OF. She kept asking me if I needed her help ( I didn't and I had my cousin there helping), she kept peeking at us and bothering us. Finally she sat down to help, even though my MOTHER is in charge and this lady didn't ask her. I feel she is prejudice because I am a hijabi and my cousin looks Arab. I couldn't believe the nerve, obviously I do not need help, I will receive my Bachelor's in Dec insha'Allah and I used to work at a bank! That shows you how crazy people are though. My poor cousin can't make it through an airport....ah I hope I can change at least a few minds in my life time!

P.S I got my mother to try on was FAB! I hope I opened her mind up a bit at least...
May Allah bless you all.....does anyone else have any experience with prejudice???

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Arrivals

I watched this video and it is amazing. It is a documentary on the conspiracy theories of free masonry in the USA, and of the dajjal, or antichrist, and I think it is very interesting to watch. It is VERY controversial and it was taken off youtube...but I think you guys will find this very interesting....if you liked Loose Change, or any of the 9/11 conspiracy theories/docs/videos, this is for you!
The Arrivals

The website is also title "The Wake Up Project" I haven't viewed any of their other videos yet so if you see any good ones let me know...

Monday, October 19, 2009

Guest Questions

Salaam Guest,
I thank you for your questions and I will answer them to the best of my ability insha'Allah.

1.Did you research into any other religions on your journey
I did research other religions on my journey, however I knew I belonged to one of the monotheistic religions...I knew I believed in one God, and I was raised Christian so I had enough knowledge of that...and Judaism was just not for me. I found the most truth in Islam, not any other, which is why I chose to convert...I cannot find a flaw in Islam...because there is not one.
Do you believe that after you pass away, you will go a different place than your non-Muslim friends/family?

I do not believe that true believers in God go to hell so no I believe that everyone I know that has faith in God will somehow be with me in the afterlife. However I cannot really say because it hasn't happened yet....and only God knows this...

In the Noble Quran, verses 3:2-6 says: Allah! There is no God save Him, He has revealed unto you O Muhammad the Book, the Quran, as He revealed the Torah unto Moses and the Gospel unto Jesus for guidance to mankind. Lo! Those who disbelieve the revelations of Allah, Muhammad and the Quran, for them await a terrible chastisement in the afterlife.

This is simply for people who do not believe in Go
d NOT non-Muslims, Christians, Jews and Muslims worship the same God.....

3. What are your views on women wearing hijabs or burkhas? Should it be free choice for girls born into the faith?Should they wear them for the right reasons (i.e. devotion to God), rather than to keep family and friends happy/outwardly show they are Muslim.

I believe that the reason women should wear hijab is to please God. Intention is everything in Islam so when one has a good intention for wearing hijab it is rewarded, when one is wearing it just to please humans it is not counted the same:

“All actions are judged by motives, and each person will be rewarded according to their intention. Thus, he whose migration was to God and His Messenger, his migration is to God and His Messenger; but he whose migration was for some worldly thing he might gain, or for a wife he might marry, his migration is to that for which he migrated.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim)

This is another quote from the Holy Qur'an that states about good deeds and bad deeds and I believe this can apply to the last two questions

Then shall anyone who has done an atom's weight of good, see it. And anyone who has done an atom's weight of evil, shall see it", [The Earthquake : 7-8].

4. Do the rituals ever conflict with other parts of your life? For example, you are in class when it's prayer time?
Yes actually I deal with this every day, but as for everything Islam has a solution. Of course I am not to give up going to school in America because they do not acknowledge Muslim prayer times, that would be ridiculous, God wants me to be educated, and Islam is supposed to be easy. God does not want prayers to be a chore or to get in the way of one's success in life. God is all merciful and understanding so there is a solution to this. One may group the prayer. So one prays Fajr, the dawn prayer, then can group the next Dhur and Asr, then can group Maghrib and Isha (by grouping I mean pray at the same time). However Muslim prayer can be complicated to someone with no background so I am going to include some resources about prayer because I could write pages about it. But yes my final answer is ISLAM IS EASY...not rigid, there are always exceptions and stuff happens in life....
Also.....women do not have to pray when they are on their period, or after childbirth, this shows how merciful God is because women do not need to worry about prayer during that time.....also if you are sick or handicap or injured you can pray the best you can (i.e sitting down, lying down). But here are a few website so you can learn more.

There is also a link on my blog about prayer it says "how to pray"

5. If you abstain from alcohol, will u be able to enter a bar to drink soft drinks but to be with your friends?

Ok, technically yes, if I'm wearing hijab, but why would I want to be there is I didn't drink? It is not a good environment for me! I do not want to be hit on by guys, and I should not be around drunk people. Some Muslims do this, but I think it is kinda silly, I have been to bars and not drank and it is NOT FUN! There is no purpose for me there, I do not enjoy the atmosphere at all. Also I do not support places like that and in order to get in I might have to pay a cover, I do not want to spend my money on support of haram things. This might sound a little crazy to some people, but I promise you I can have a good time like anyone else....but I do not feel any connection to people when they are drunk. The non-muslim friends I have that do drink, don't invite me when they go out because they know it is not my scene, I don't need to go be with them, I can just see them another time. And if that is all they do ...then we probably won't be friends for long. This may sound harsh but I quote an old friend of mine "You hang around the barbershop long enough your going to get a haircut..." I do not need to put myself in that situation....

6. How does Islam explain the bad/challenging things that happen in life, such as wars,famine,severe illnesses (hardest question!)? Actually this question I found to not be the hardest because Islam gives a clear explanation, God gave humanity the greatest gift of all his creations - free will. Therefore we have to suffer the consequences of our choices, good and bad. Wars are human creations, not God created. As for the other stuff, this life is considered a test, and our reactions to everything are being recorded in either the good deed pile or bad deed pile. If we were not tested then our choices would not be worth much...if you never were tested, your true heart and strength would not be apparent. For more detail and explanation this is a Fatwa that explains this...........

. What is your view on people of any religion who try to recruit others people to join?
I believe that actively trying to recruit people is pretty useless because one's heart must be open to accept Islam...or any change in religion, or to let God in your life...also the Qur'an states there is to be no compulsion in religion...
"Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects Taghut (evil) and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trust worthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things. " (Qur'an 2:256)]

I think that one should wait until people come to them, trying to convert anyone in my opinion is never going to work, especially by using violence, or force. People should bring people to Islam with knowledge and by example.

I yet again thank you guest for your wonderful questions, always encouraged. I also state that these are my opinions and I am not a religious scholar, I am simply a new Muslimah, researching the world around her. I apologize if I offended anyone and comments are ALWAYS welcome. Thanks so much for reading my blog and may Allah bless you all.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Giving Up Things for God's Sake

One of the things that I have given up for God's sake is nail polish alhamdillilah. It is something that I personally struggle with because until my conversion...I had my nails done every four weeks! I felt completely naked with my toes "empty". However my roommate informed me that my wudu would not be accepted without it. So I trust her opinion and I have given it up. Yes I know I can wear it a few days out of the month...but it is too much of a hassle for me. I looked at it like a test....and I'll tell you what...being Muslim has made me more confident than I ever have been in my ENTIRE LIFE... NO MAKE UP NO NAIL POLISH UNREVEALING CLOTHES and I STILL feel more beautiful than ever. I used to need that stuff to make me feel confident.I feel like now I am more happy how I am. Thank God for that!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Guest Question

Dear Guest,
I really appreciate your thought provoking questions because this is what this blog is about, exploring beliefs and discovering aspects of one's personal self. I am glad you read my article and enjoyed it, and I hope you find my answers satisfying. I also benefit from this because I am getting a chance to step back and analyze how far I have come, and what the next step is. Please feel free to continue our discussion. Here I go :)

What was the time frame from reading about the faith to your conversion?
I started researching Islam heavily about a year before my conversion. I wanted to be completely comfortable and have most details figured out before I took that step. I know myself and I can become quite anxious when change occurs. I did what I could to take small steps towards changing my life and took my time. Whenever I felt uncomfortable I would slow down. I also really became comfortable with the differences between culture and true Islam because many common beliefs about Islam are not true. I also spent the time introducing my family and friends to Islam and the fact that I could possibly be converting. I educated my parents along with myself, so their comfort level rose with mine. My parents know the basics of Islam and most of the details I have learned, as well as my personal opinions about the religion. Faith is an individual process. I encourage anyone that is scared or uncomfortable to simply research and take their time. As your relationship with God develops, so will your comfort level.

Did you take any classes in Islam/Islamic Culture before wearing the Hijab?
Before wearing hijab I did not take any Islam/culture classes. I actually have not taken any Islam classes at all...the history of Islam class in my previous college I actually did not finish(I withdrew from the college). I have been studying Arabic however, because it is more difficult to learn on your own. I have however researched heavily myself on Islam, and know where classes for new Muslims are held, and where Arabic classes are held so if anyone is interested , let me know and I can lead you in right direction( even online classes).Hijab is something I had always felt was going to be a part of my identity as a Muslimah. I was interested in it and it was something I wanted to do. If you do not burn inside to wear hijab, you shouldn't. I was burning inside, almost a kind of jealousy, when I saw Muslim women around campus. I had such a strong desire to wear my hijab that I only needed my roommate and friends to help me learn to wear it.

3. Do you feel that you had to change any views you had before due to your new faith (e.g. on issues like abortion etc)?
This is an AMAZING question! As for abortion, personally I ALWAYS had a problem with it so I am sticking with my opinion on that. What I am struggling with is the gay issue. I have numerous close male friends that are homosexual, and in Islam that is considered very wrong. I have love for these friends so I could never ever stop contact because of this but I do have some issues with other Muslims because of that. This is what I think : I have done bad stuff in my life, I have made mistakes, I am not perfect. NO ONE IS . EVERYONE HAS STRUGGLES, EVERYONE HAS PROBLEMS. I am human and I am NOT the judge of humans and their souls. I accept good people as my company, who challenge me to become better. People's relationships with God is personal and I cannot compare mine to any one's and think that I am better. As long as someone is not trying to get me to do anything that interferes with my religion, I don't really have a problem accepting their flaws, because they accept mine.

4. Are there any issues which you feel uncomfortable about with Islamic culture, compared to your Secular life before?"
Well there is a tendency in Islamic culture to be misogynistic which obviously, as an independent American lady, I have trouble with. However I really would like to stress the fact that this is TOTALLY culture and NOT religion. Nowhere in my religion does it allow men to treat women badly. In fact Islam was supposed to liberate Arabia of misogyny so...I don't know where all this came from.

The other thing that I do not like it the whole "men and women have NO contact" thing. Um....I'm pretty sure that in order to live my life to the fullest I need to have some contact with men. Certainly only decent contact is appropriate, but if I had to avoid 50% of the population, it would make my life very difficult. Islam is supposed to be easy and supposed to make your life easier. Hijab is mandated to make it easier for women to be around men without sparking their interest. If I'm wearing hijab,problem should be solved. However this is a cultural thing and a difference in opinion so I believe there are many Muslims opposed to this theory. All I know is my own opinion and what I am comfortable with. Islam is about what is in your heart and that is between you and God. I can only speak for myself.

I hope I have answered your questions sufficiently and I again thank you for your interest in my blog and life. May Allah bless you in your endeavors.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Muslim Women's Magazine

Salaam everyone,
New Muslim Women's magazine out...


Salaams everyone,

To Muslims who Criticize Christians...

It is my personal belief that the way to show someone the beauty of Islam is through action not words. I believe that in order for people's hearts to be open to Islam, their hearts have to be opened by actions. This means that all of us are responsible everyday for showing people how beautiful Islam is and the compassion and kindness it exemplifies.

I have these verses of the Qu'ran for support...
2:256 There is no compulsion in religion, for the right way is clearly from the wrong way. Whoever therefore rejects the forces of evil and believes in God, he has taken hold of a support most unfailing, which shall never give way, for God is All Hearing and Knowing.

16:82 But if they turn away from you, (O Prophet remember that) your only duty is a clear delivery of the Message (entrusted to you).

88:21, 22; also see 24:54 And so, (O Prophet!) exhort them your task is only to exhort; you cannot compel them to believe.

39:41 Assuredly, We have sent down the Book to you in right form for the good of man. Whoso guided himself by it does so to his own advantage, and whoso turns away from it does so at his own loss. You certainly are not their keeper.

If someone is interested in Islam you can tell them can act in way that shows people the true core beliefs of Islam...but you cannot force anyone into your religion. Because intention counts so much if one is being forced then they truly do not get credit for their good anyway. One must be doing good deeds willingly...why fight and hurt our own brothers and sisters in humankind?

That being said this is attributed to people who are not trying to eradicate Islam...this is a different set of circumstances which can justify fighting back.

As I have stated before this is my opinion and I wish not to offend anyone. Comments are welcome and encouraged.

May Allah bless you all.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Salaam everyone,

Sorry for the untimely reply, school has been picking up...

What I would say to a non-muslim criticizing the Qur'an...

Non-Muslim in General

I would ask them to go outside and look around...look up at the sky and clouds, the stars, all the birds in the trees, to the numerous types of insects on the all this coincidence? Could the magnificence of this universe be an accident?

Science in the Qu'ran

I would ask them to research the following topics:

"Magnetic Poles and Qur'an"
"Fetal development in Qur'an"
"Honey bees and Qu'ran"
"Moon and Qu'ran"

All of these topics contain scientific support for the verses in the Qur'an...for example

gives a good explanation for the science of bees in the Qur'an ...very interesting....modern science JUST now is discovering this phenomena

Magnetic Poles
AFTER RESEARCHING IF YOU ARE STILL AN UNBELIEVER PICK UP THE QUR'AN AND READ THE VERSUS YOURSELF...I promise will not regret it..your relationship to this planet will change...all of the organisms around you will now look different to you..the people in your life will look different...if you have ever felt like you didn't belong...or lonely...or dissatisfied with other religions or ideologies...please just pick it harm will ever come from research...I assure you if your heart is open..and you examine the Qur'an and read about Islam with a true open heart...than it will enrich your life more than I can explain.

That answer is for those questioning the Qu'ran and its validity...this is for concerned women about the "oppressed Muslim women"....although I will admit...there are many Muslim women whom are oppressed by their is NOT Islam...the prophet Muhammed ( peace be upon him) had a mission to liberate women from the Arab mentality...

Women were raised higher than men in the Qur'an....

"Heaven is under a mother's feet"

The prophet Muhammed (SWT) also when asked who should I give thanks to and who is the most important in life...he answered "Your mother", then who is next important, "Your mother"...then who is next? Then..."your father.."

Also before Islam came to Arabia...they were burying their infant daughters in shame....Islam put a stop to that due to the message of the Prophet(swt)...


I would highly encourage you to look at the Bible...and its similarity to the Qur'an...I would also encourage you to research the story of Jesus and Judas....and research your own religion...
I believe that true Christianity is a valid and credible relgion because "People of the Book" are mentioned in the Qur'an...but I also believe the Christians of today....add a divine quality to Jesus that puts him on an equal level with God..and I believe that that is polytheism...any prayers should also not go to Jesus or Mary because they cannot grant them if there is only one all powerful and all knowing God...

Also....the story of Adam and Eve.
Christians believe that Eve ate the fruit from tree of Knowledge, then gave it to Adam...dooming women to pain during childbirth,and their periods, and death ( an ending of our lives) to the rest...
If our all powerful and all could he not know that they would eat from the tree...therefore...why not give women and humans death and pain during childbirth outright? If he had to give those things as a punishment...that means that God had a plan that failed? I don't believe that God can fail...everything Allah wills happens...God gave them free will and knew what would happen to them if they made either choice...God was not surprised by either...nor was all humanity doomed because of a the Qur'an it states it was a consensus between Adam and Eve...
Please research Islam and their opinions on this because I believe that this story might make more sense to you...

Also...because of this "original sin" humans have to spend their whole lives "making up for the sin of others before them....why would an all knowing God punish people who had nothing to do with a mistake...someone powerful enough to create the heavens and the earth is going punish all humanity for two people's simple "mistake"?

I do not mean to offend anyone and I am just stating what is in my heart...
Any comments are welcome and I hope I enriched someone's life and sparked some thinking and questioning....

Salaams and may Allah's blessing be on you all...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Interview with UMBC

Saturday, October 3, 2009


I had a new experience with being a hijabi yesterday...I was completly and blatently stared at! I was in the Sbux in Barnes and Noble and this old man was looking at me like????? It is ok though most people are awesomely nice to me now! I get a lot of smiles and encouraging curiousity. I also get plenty of extra niceness. Most people seem to purposely smile warmly at me, and make sure that I'm comfortably, as if they are going out of their way to make sure I know they are ok with Muslims. Hey I enjoy it! Men even open doors for me now! GO HIJABIS!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I had so much fun tonight! I was not going to go because I have been sick but I threw on my hijab and went anyway to the MSA Ladies Night. I had a great time and met some great people. I really feel the need to get out and be more social since my semester has been SOO revolving around everything ELSE! So I make it my goal to spend more time with my Muslim sisters, which I have not been good at doing. I have never been very comfortable with girls, I always feel so self concious, especially since I was raised with two brothers and a mother that did not have that many girl friends either( not that my mother has man friends!). I just feel like I am missing that female companionship in my life and I wish that I could get more comfortable. Especially since I feel slightly intimidated by hijabis...thank God I went because I felt so comfortable and I was very happy to meet the people that I did and I just really enjoyed getting out and being social. I feel recharged and ready to get some more school work done! :)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ilm Fest 2009

An event I would love to go to but I believe my hw work load this semester is too great. I really want to go see Baba Ali though! There are plenty of sheikhs as speakers and even a hijabi! I believe there is a bazaar and also opportunities to volunteer. Baltimore Convention Center this weekend Oct 3rd and 4th

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hijab and Respect

As you all know I have been practicing hijab...and the increase in the amount of respect and nice treatment I have gotten is amazing...especially from women! I was in the pharmacy and I didn't have my insurance information on me, the pharmacist gave me two for free so I could bring back the insurance later! That was so nice of her! She didn't have to do that! Also I was in Wal-Mart last night and two different ladies heard me debating different products, and put their opinions in, letting me know which they thought was the best. The ladies at the fitting room also chatted me up about dressing room antics, and "ghetto" people that treat clothes like they belong on the floor. I have been receiving very positive reactions to all of this. I LOVE the respect I feel when I wear hijab...I feel it's the respect I should have been getting ALL along!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Men and Women

I don't understand why men and women were created so differently. It causes so much pain and suffering and it makes life much harder on all of us. Most men, especially the younger they are do not want to get married. Of course most of the older ones don't either. All women want to get married since birth. Men of course hate this and try to avoid it, but they don't avoid women, they just try to avoid marriage. Men will love a woman and still be avoiding marriage...where is the justice in this for women? Women worry that it is them, or that the guy doesn't care about them. They also worry that it is never going to happen. This is also how people get into bad situations and do bad things. Why can't men just want commitment? Why can't it just be easy for them? Or why can't women just act like men and not care...oh def would NOT be able to handle their own treatment...but you know what...I wish that women could stop putting up with men's inability to make commitment (myself included). When does this cycle end?

My Muslim Family Day

Ok so yesterday was the first time for my brothers to see me in hijab. Luckily they enjoyed Muslim Family Day, and hopefully learned a few things. For example my brother asked why men were washing their feet in the bathrooms- so he learned about wudoo. They said that my head kinda looked oddly shaped but other than that it was cute :) Ha ha soo all went well alhamidililah and my brothers have been introduced to on to the rest of the world!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Muslim Family Day Six Flags

Tomorrow I am going to Muslim Family Day at the Six Flags in D.C. I am bringing my brothers and mother insha'Allah. I am bringing them because I want them to see me in hijab doing things that I normally do and being happy. I also hope that exposing my mother to Muslims will cause her to be less nervous about my future as a Muslim woman. I do not want her to be scared that my quality of life will be negatively affected because of my conversion. It's $30 at the gate for anyone who is interested, there is halal food, a bazaar, prayer accomodations and more!
Hope to see you all there!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Islamic Arabic Art

New Online Muslim Women's Magazine!
14.99 USD
Beginning Nov 2nd!
Please sign up.....this needs support !

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Answered Prayers

Sometimes we pray for things that we aren't sure how they are going to be answered. Sometimes we ask for something specific. I happen to pray for things that my heart desires like most. I was feeling alone and confused. I thought that I was alone in my situation and that I was the only one going through a tough time. Growing is very difficult, especially when it is away from what you have always known. Just as your bones ache as they grow, your soul does when you are changing. It is only healthy to mourn for the future you lost, even if it wasn't the best for you. That is what I am doing, I am going to mourn for the Christmas's I won't have, the baptism my child will never have, and the many beaches and pools I won't enter. I will mourn for the clubs I won't dance in, the man's hands I won't shake, and the best guy friends I won't make. I have to mourn for those things even if they aren't the best for me. I have to mourn them because my past is dying. I am not who I was three, two, or one year ago. My name is still Katie, I still see myself in the mirror. My reflection is still the same, what lies behind the reflection is what has changed. How I look at my reflection is different. I have recieved everything I have prayed for. Each answered prayer might have not come in the package that I predicted, but things generally do not. I have been surprised and delighted with God's plan for me, I have been led through experiences I never dreamed of and been introduced to people I could have never imagined. Thank God for every moment and every second of my life.

Hijab Trial

Yesterday I practiced hijab at night...I went to Dunkin Donuts and another Muslim lady happened to come in behind me. She said Salaam and smiled at me. My heart just melted. As I paid for my stuff and walked outside, a man sitting in a car (her husband most likely) also said his Salaams. His face lit up when he saw me...presumably because of the hijab. Now this lady was not covered....but if I had not been covered she never would have known I was Muslim and said hello to me...I feel like we understood each other at that moment. We shared something in common...all of us....even though we are all just going through our daily lives and buying coffee...for that moment....we stopped and shared a moment of appreciation for the things we shared. I believe that is such a beautiful and special thing...I wish that more people understood the good things about Islam...there are many beautiful and wonderous aspects about this religion.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Oh So Scary and Controversial Hijab

My mom is convinced that I have gone off the deep end although I thank God my parents have been way more supportive than most. She is constantly worried that I am getting into something because of the influence of others. I told her that as soon as I started praying in the Muslim fashion..all my prayers came true. I told her my anxiety level has dropped dramatically...I am so much happier...and I can talk to her until I am blue in the face...but I don't think she will accept this for awhile. Hijab scares her because of the images in the media. The "oppressed" women that so sharply contrast of her view of me. I try to tell her I feel comfortable when I am wearing hijab. I feel connected to other Muslims when I wear it. I am scared to wear it most to class and my hometown. Class because I am in a major that is very tiny and I think people would react differently to it...and ask me a lot of nosy questions. My parents and family would just make me feel uncomfortable. I wish that it was so easy for me to transition into a new life but I feel not that strong inside. I wish I could have the inner strength to just change my life and not care what people think. But ever since I changed my facebook to say Muslim and my pics to only hijabi photos...I have been getting texts, messages, emails and phone calls asking me about this change. I know that it is an important thing for me to do but I just wish it was not so difficult for me. Has anyone ever felt the same way? Any starter hijab stories?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

IKEA New Hijab line for their employees

Ikea actually made hijab for their employees that is so encouraging.

On the other hand Abercrombie and Fitch did not hire a teenage girl for wearing hijab....BOYCOTT ABERCROMBIE AND FITCH

Website about protecting the women's right to hijab

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

UMBC Muslim Student Association

There was a great event at UMBC tonight...UMBC Fast-a-thon.
A imam came from outside and gave a speech about the meaning of Ramadan and fasting. He talked about how Ramadan proves one can change their life in one day. He also talked about how Ramadan is about reflection and making yourself better. He referred to Ramadan as a "tune up" from daily wear and tear.

Any other Islamic events around Baltimore?

I also visited the Islamic Society of Baltimore, at Al-Rahmah....iftar great food, nice people, will go back. They also have free Arabic, Tajweed, Tafsir and other Islamic classes. All for free!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Please pray that I can end an inappropriate relationship with a man I am in love with but he will not propose. I know this sounds silly but I need the strength to do it. Please pray to Allah that I gain strength to end this relationship.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


As anyone that is not a native Arabic speaker KNOWS that Arabic is challenging. I have been praying five times a day, and praying for my learning to be quick. Al hamdililah I have a good memory, I just have problems with the different letters that we do not have. My writing and reading is easier. I am thinking about attending classes at the mosque but I am intimidated....any advice from anyone on how learning Arabic was easier? Thank God I have a Jordanian roommate and numerous Saudis at my University. Could someone please recommend a website..
Meanwhile I would like to recommend a website that has helped me with The Quran pronounciation. paired with hearing recitation on youtube helped me learn Al Fatihah.


God has given me a lot of gifts. I am thankful for them. However one thing I struggle with is jealousy. I do not become jealous about items people have or material things, but I do become jealous and slightly possessive of people. When I care for someone I want them to be mine. I know this is so childish of me...but I feel fire when I see someone else with my "people". Does anyone else struggle with this? I feel as if my heart is flaming when I feel jealous....I have problems with people and my relationships because of this. A LOT of fights have come out of it. I hope that Lord will give me the strength to overcome this flaw of mine. To anyone who struggles the same...please know I am fighting for the same cause.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Interesting Video for Muslims
This guy is great and he discusses many issues about Islam in a comedic way! Check him out :)

Also this hijab is soooo cute love it! If anyone can teach me how to do this let me know!
Although I'm not wearing hijab yet, I hope to be one day insha'Allah.


For the past year I have been researching Islam in the hopes of finding out my opinion on the subject. I have discovered many amazing things and encountered many hardships. I hope that someone can be helped by reading about my experiences. Becoming a Muslimah is not easy in America- especially in an environment of intolerance that comes with ignorance. Pray for me!