

Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Minor Workplace Acceptance

We are having a potluck at work....and I don't see any pork on the menu! ....My coworkers stepped it up masha'Allah....

I have just finished Living Islam Outloud: American Muslimahs Speak Out
by Saleemah Abdul Ghafur. I thought it was a very interesting book, however I do have some issues with it....

I feel like these women had bad experiences with Islam...which is more common for women than men unfortunately....

They discussed how women should have the right to sit with men in the masjid without a curtain or screen; and that women should not wear hijab because of social pressures and such.

I feel like their intentions are correct and that they are very good people and women and they are doing their best to promote women's rights.

However what I do disagree with is the fact that these women are taking certain peoples (namely certain men) and their interpretation of Islam, and letting it ruin their experience. Everyone knows their own relationship with God. No one can tell you how you rank in the eyes of Allah, or whether or not you are going to heaven.

People will tell you that you are doing things wrong in any religion. You have to listen to your heart and people that you trust for advice. Intention is the greatest indicator for me. If someone just wants to judge can tell. If someone just wants to make themselves feel better about the things they are doing can tell.

People will ALWAYS judge you. I know I should be looking in the mirror when I say this because actions/reactions of people do matter to me ...(more than they should God help me)....however...we should work to NOT CARE.

God is the only thing that matters. Allah will guide you to do the things that are best for you. I have trouble wearing hijab in my hometown. But I'm at peace with God because Allah knows what is in my heart.

I hope God gives us strength to not worry so much about peoples opinions of us insha'Allah...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Work Place: Part Two

I have been trying to work out how in the world I could pray doing I have been missing prayers and making them up later esteghferAllah. I finally found help from some of my coworkers, I found a private area to pray! I feel so much more relaxed now knowing that I have privacy and the ability to pray at work...I didn't feel comfortable doing at work because of the people always ask me questions, and I would have had to send out a mass email about how "don't interrupt me bla bla". So neways...I peeked into the library that sits in the back of our building....and I asked nicely if I could pray in the back....they gave me stuff to kneel on as well as a "you shouldn't be ashamed to pray" speech. I'm not ashamed I just don't want to be disturbed and I don't have the patience to be constantly interupted because people at my job don't understand. I also feel uncomfortable doing wudu in the bathroom here. I just wish people were more accepting. May God help me grow stronger in not caring what people think of me. I do my job, I am a woman, I am a hijabi...can't people accept that????

Friday, April 23, 2010

Work Environment

There are people at my job that are just ridiculous. Every day I get asked things about being a muslim. Al hamdulillah, at least they are asking me to my face and not talking about me behind my back...but it is getting really annoying. Everyday someone asks me " Does it get hot in there?" talking about my hijab...or why do you wear that or "do you get hassled?". I feel so ostracized. I know it is with pure intentions and these people are just curious but it really makes me feel different. The people that are my age don't even talk to me like a normal human being. I guess it is because they are in the drinking stages of life...and the dating stages of life...the misunderstanding other cultures/religions stage of life. I feel like they think I don't enjoy my life...or have any fun....or that I'm naive or stupid and don't know what they know......

AH! Well at least some people here are respectful...there is one guy here that is very educated about Muslims...he isn't one but at least he is familiar....of course everyone else in the office does not like him...for SOME reason....

I also get asked a lot..."If your hair is nice...why do you cover it...why don't you let everyone see it.." ...because they don't deserve to see it! And I do not need to prove my beauty to anyone else!

Why is my worth in the work placed based on whether or not I'm beautiful or not...or what my hair looks like......or whether or not I have hair...

Why am I treated like a different kind of human being because of the clothes I wear???? Because I don't show skin? Because my cleavage isn't hanging out for all to see????

Why do people see these things as a sum of who I am...

and even if they do...why do they view modesty as a bad thing? Shouldn't they view me as a BETTER person...?

Does anyone else have work related issues like this???

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Video on Hijab Stereotypes

Video Link

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Arabic Class

I have started Quran reading class ( Learn the Quran from Scratch in 5 weeks) at the Mustafa Center. The welcoming atmosphere and the programs offerred by this masjid are amazing masha'Allah. Please come and support this masjid. Imam Zia is the one teaching this Arabic class and he is great masha'Allah. I will go to no other masjid!!!!!!!!!!! I have been welcomed and treated with complete respect and love. I feel completely welcome here!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I'm not sure how much of this is because of my own personality...or how much is because of my past...but I am just having a hard time making friends with sisters in VA. There are plenty of sisters that I meet; and plenty of them are VERY nice...I just am having a hard time establishing a lasting relationship. I think it is because most of these women are born muslim and I am a revert.

I am having no trouble at work befriending the non-muslims....of course that doesnt fill up my weekends because most of them drink.....

I just am not able to make it to the masjid as much as I would like and unfortunately that is limiting my friendship possibilities. Another thing is when I do go to the masjid.....sisters are either fully in prayer and concentrating....or in groups....I find it very intimidating to go up to a group of sisters....break up their conversation...and introduce myself.....make dua for me please!

I'm a chicken when it comes to introducing myself to sisters I don't know why....I'm intimidated by the fact that they were born muslim....

I just feel so unworthy of their company....... I don't know why I just feel so unworthy.....

I feel like reverts understand each other in the fact that we feel a little rusty.....or tarnished....

Like I'm not worth as much as people who were born Muslim...I just feel like such a fraud sometimes...because I don't know everything.....

AHHH!!! This is so frustrating and difficult changing your whole life...Please make dua for me ....God will make things easy for me insha'Allah....

Monday, April 12, 2010

Animal Welfare League of Arlington

Animal Welfare League of Arlington

Salaam wa alaikum everyone!

I am participating in a fundraiser for the Animal Welfare League of Arlington. They are having a 5K fun walk May 8th, 2010. Registration is $25 ahead of time and $40 the day of the walk. If you would like to participate please visit the Animal Welfare League of Arlington.
If you would like to sponsor me during my walk please donate using the pay pal donate button below. I got my cat Cheeto through this wonderful organization and I would like to give back. Thanks!


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Mustafa Center and Dar al Hijrah

Salaam wa alaikum,

I have tried these two masjids in my area: Dar al Hijrah and Mustafa Center.

Dar al Hijrah

Dar al Hijrah is a beautiful masjid. They have a balcony for women and the the men are downstairs. The building is very majestic and neat and clean. There is a very decent amout of people that show up for every prayer. I have not stayed for any khutba or halaqa. There are a lot of events and even a school for children masha'Allah. The only comment I have is because the mosque is so big, it lacks intimacy.

Mustafa Center

Very small and difficult to find! I got lost trying to spot this from the street. Very small but so friendly and very clean and I got a sense of community from this masjid. Most everyone said their salaams to me and I just felt welcome. They also have a community board where you can post things without having to go through any admin. I will def come here again.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Exploring Alexandria

As you all know; Being a Muslim involves taking care of the environment, and the world around us. I explored Alexandria today and realized that there is a Nature Conservancy two blocks away from my house! I had never known such treasures were near my own home. Please I encourage you all to explore! I spent the most beautiful saturday morning hiking in trails near my home.

Public libraries...such a wealth of information people do not access.

Coupons...only worth it if you would buy the product anyways...

Animal Welfare League of Arlington- I got my's awesome please DONATE DONATE DONATE!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Becoming a True Muslim

I believe that I am constantly becoming a better Muslim (everyone in general should be trying in my opinion). Being a Muslim is like going to school. There is always something you can do better, always a test you could have studied harder for, always some points taken off. This week, I have fixed one of the major flaws in my Deen and al hamdililah I am still alive. This week I cut something out of my life that has been bothering me for too long. I will not share what it is because that is between me and God, but I encourage you all to try it. As soon as I cut out this thing, I felt and immediate closeness with God. I had chills, kid you not. I started to pray afterwards and I felt so close to God. I still do at this very moment. Each time I think about this thing and get incredibly sad, some stranger starts a conversation, or smiles, or mentions Islam, showing me that God is always with me.

I struggle with being a good Muslim everyday. I state this to everyone from the bottom of my heart. There is always room for improvement. Until the sun does not rise from the east we are being judged on our deeds. Please make the best of this world. Every time you take action, you should do it for God. Every time I take a step, I try to look at the beauty God has created around me. I feel tearful thinking about the life I had before Islam was revealed to me. All of those actions I took feel like distant memories but at the same time they do not feel like my own. I am not the person I was two years ago. It is very scary to see that.

I remember as a child crying my eyes out because I wasn't "feeling it" when I went to church. I didn't know what was wrong with me...why I wasn't "religious". I just totally didn't think that I was close to God.