

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I'm not sure how much of this is because of my own personality...or how much is because of my past...but I am just having a hard time making friends with sisters in VA. There are plenty of sisters that I meet; and plenty of them are VERY nice...I just am having a hard time establishing a lasting relationship. I think it is because most of these women are born muslim and I am a revert.

I am having no trouble at work befriending the non-muslims....of course that doesnt fill up my weekends because most of them drink.....

I just am not able to make it to the masjid as much as I would like and unfortunately that is limiting my friendship possibilities. Another thing is when I do go to the masjid.....sisters are either fully in prayer and concentrating....or in groups....I find it very intimidating to go up to a group of sisters....break up their conversation...and introduce myself.....make dua for me please!

I'm a chicken when it comes to introducing myself to sisters I don't know why....I'm intimidated by the fact that they were born muslim....

I just feel so unworthy of their company....... I don't know why I just feel so unworthy.....

I feel like reverts understand each other in the fact that we feel a little rusty.....or tarnished....

Like I'm not worth as much as people who were born Muslim...I just feel like such a fraud sometimes...because I don't know everything.....

AHHH!!! This is so frustrating and difficult changing your whole life...Please make dua for me ....God will make things easy for me insha'Allah....

1 comment:

  1. As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaah, Masha Allaah, uhkti ... I will surely make dua for you as well as myself, insha Allaah.

    I am currently going through something very similar. The sisters here where i live seem to be very unfriendly.... and very clickish.

    Because of this.... and this has been going on for quite sometime. I stay to myself , I hardly know any sisters in my area... not because I have'nt tried , but because they seem to be very judgemental, etc. I dont know...its weird.

    But, I totally relate, insha Allaah ta aala. It will get much better in the way of TRUE sisterhood for the both of us, Aameen.

    Take care ( smiles)
