

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Becoming a Stronger Muslim

As I have reflected on the past year since my conversion...and how much I have accomplished...I have also found my weakness, which I have shared some of my thoughts about in my last post. I believe that it is true..."assimilation" is impossible. Certain people will never respect the fact that I am Muslim, whether I am a "scary" Muslim or a "cool" Muslim. I have found an verse that is really helping me. I have written it out on a piece of paper and posted it on my cubicle wall. I read it five or six times a day. I really feel that it speaks to my situation.

" So patiently persevere: for verily the promise of Allah is true: nor let those shake thy firmness, who have (themselves) no certainty of faith. " Surah Al Room 60

For me it is basically reaffirming the fact that I should do what is best for me as a Muslim and not worry about any one elses opinion. I should strive to be the best Muslim I can and know that nothing will happen unless Allah wills it.

When I meet people who are blind to the truth of Islam I think of this verse...

Thus does Allah seal up the hearts of those who understand not. Al Room 59

I feel such a connection between every Muslim on this is as if every human being was my sibling, but every Muslim is like a twin of mine....

I know that if I am patient, Allah will bless me with the friends that I deserve, and will send me people to stop my lonliness. I feel as if I have not been close to someone in a long time because of the transition I have made.

This Surah describes how I feel about my reversion to Islam....I feel as though a huge weight was longer am I carrying the universe on my back...I no longer had to worry about why I was in existence...I had nothing to fear anymore but life has become more worry free than when I was a child...

Surah 94. Solace, Consolation, Relief

1. Have We not expanded thee thy breast?-
2. And removed from thee thy burden
3. The which did gall thy back?-
4. And raised high the esteem (in which) thou (art held)?
5. So, verily, with every difficulty, there is relief:
6. Verily, with every difficulty there is relief.
7. Therefore, when thou art free (from thine immediate task), still labour hard,
8. And to thy Lord turn (all) thy attention.

Please make duah for me that I become a great Muslim...

Salaam wa alaikum


  1. Salam from Malaysia.

    I just red your writing.

    Hope god gives you a good friend.

    Really hope and pray for you, that with Allah you will be never lonely again.

    With Allah, you were never bored again.


  2. As Salamu Alaikum,

    I was born Muslim, and have always had a large share of Muslim "friends", but I understand that when we decide to take a path towards Allah, many people even Muslim feel averse to us and we put up these fortresses thinking that no one will understand us.

    The first few months are the hardest because you are unlikely to be able to relate to your friends given your revolution and even after that you will see that few people are accepting of your Islam in totality.

    My personal opinion is that take encouragement from the fact that Allah is pleased with you and that this has always been the plight of those that choose truth. There was a very nice lecture about the topic and it mentions various hadith and quranic ayat about the topic, I will try and dig it up and send you the mp3.

    The other thing I recommend is marriage. If you look at the institution of marriage in the times of the sahabah, they would never leave a person to be alone. Regardless of age (even in old age) they would marry, because that provides a person with a protective/supportive unit.

    May Allah make the people love you, let you be a source of hidayah to mankind, let Allah's mercy and protection always cover you and may Allah grant you contentment and sakinah in His obedience.

