

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Burqa Ban in France

Express, a publication of the Washington Post, has published an article called "Dueling Views on Liberty" about the potential ban of burqa or niqab in France. This article states that France officials are wanting to ban "extremism" and "terrorism" and that the burqa is a symbol of those two things. It is Frances opinion that these women need to be "freed" from the oppression they are suffering and that banning their face coverings will do that. Belgium has already approved a nationwide ban, that is now being considered by the Senate. The Swiss government has discussed imposing a similar ban. In the Netherlands, an anti-Islam party has also become a fast growing political movement. It's leader, Geert Wilders speaks loudly against Islam and wants the Quran banned in their country. 

Where does all this hatred towards Muslims come from? Why all of a sudden in 2010, when these women have been living in these countries for years, being bothered about their relgious dress? Is anyone going to tell a nun she can't wear her habit? Are crosses to be banned??? Why is Islam being attacked left and right when other relgions are being left alone? Why are secular powers being allowed to take away the relgious rights of others? 

Ever since September 11th 2001, has branded Islam as a violent religion, anti-Islamic literature and protest has drastically increased. 

Muslims are constantly becoming more discriminated against and generalized as violent, radical people. 

Those French and Belgium women are CITIZENS of those countries and are being treated like visitors, foreigners, or worse! Just because they are Muslims? Why all of a sudden are they not granted the SAME rights as OTHER CITIZENS? All other French and Belgium women are allowed to practice their relgious beliefs or lack there of....why are Muslim women being targeted???

May Allah help those sisters be patient and strong in their Deen....


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