

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Having a Non-Muslim Family

I'm sure you all have realized this by now, but my family is not Muslim. Every time I come to visit I have some difficulties, and I decided to write about them just in case any of you are in the same position.

1. Dogs
My parents have 2 dogs and they are very cute, but the one is a puppy and licks ALL the time! My mom does NOT understand that I have to wash before I pray....she thinks it is silly and that dogs are NOT dirty...

2. Jesus
Everytime my mom talks about the fact that Jesus died for all of our sins it drives me crazy...we usually end up fighting estegferAllah.

3. Not taken seriously
My mom acts as if Islam is a fad, as if I am just doing this because I met some Muslims and eventually I'll realize I was wrong and come back to Christianity...

4. The heartbreak of NOT having a Muslim family, of my family not being happy by my continued growing spiritual strength, and them not being happy that I have a stronger relationship with God.

I love my family dearly, and I do NOT want to fight with my mom, however it pains me to my core when she suggests that my reversion to Islam is not genuine...she also is sticking to her guns with Jesus crucifixtion thing which drives me crazy because my mom is a very intelligent and educated woman, she is just blinded....

However, I have gotten her to check out the English Qu'ran and some literature on Islam...we have also had some good discussions.......I hope that she will eventually see the light insha'Allah.

Please pray for my strength....
Salaams everyone,

1 comment:

  1. I wish you the best with your parents. Allah gives us tests, your relationship with your parents may be a test to help you grow in compassion, patience and love. Try to love them without conditions and expectations. See their beauty. It is not upto you that they "see the Light"---it is upto Allah and all you can do is trust in him and love and respect your parents the way they are. (That does not mean you should allow them to disrespect you or your beliefs....just saying that respect should go both ways)
