

Monday, March 15, 2010

Green Living

"When the earth is shaken with a (violent) shaking,
And the earth reveals what burdens her,
And man says: What has befallen her?
On that day she shall tell her story...." (Qur'an 99:1-4)

As an effort to be a responsible and ethical muslimah, I am going to make a commitment to living my life in a more sustainable way. By not wasting my blessings and to desire less I am trying to develop my deen. I am a strong advocate of thrift stores/consignment shops. I believe in donating to them as well as shopping in them. Recycling/reusing/reducing is the best way for us to not be in this mentality of over-comsumption. America is very famous for their wasteful ways and greed and ability to consume. I do not want to contribute to that mentality nor practice. I will start a compost pile (even though I live in an apartment), grow some of my own food, and shop local products as much as possible insha'Allah. I will also try to purchase more sustainable, organic, environmentally friendly products. My mother has been able to purchase very cute outfits for me from the thrift store; she is a very good hijab finder masha'Allah. I have also furnished my apartment with second hand merchandise and have paid a grand total of $500. I have also discovered that it is my right as a renter in Alexandria, VA to have access to recycling containers. I am going to contact my apartment building about that because I have not been able to locate it. There are many benefits to going green. In a way, when we contribute to sustainable/halal/organic businesses we are allowing the Muslim community to flourish. We should not contribute to non-ethical business. We should channel our power into good business with ethical business practices and halal products.

For now here are some links that I found to help me out.

Composting For Apartments

10 Easy Ways to Go Green

Thrify Fun

Islam and the Environment

Islam and Responsibility to Environment

1 comment:

  1. Great initiative.
    Organic halal foods at
