

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hijabi in the Workplace

I'm really not sure what bothers me more this week at work; the comment that I "might be a terrorist", or the comment that at my job people might be "surprised" because of "how I look" (I talk to a lot of community officials/engineers and such), or the question I got from coworker that was just all around offensive "Does your face break out because of your scarf?"......NO IT BREAKS OUT because I'm 22 years old!...I mean do you believe these people?????? And they THINK they are being nice!!!!!! There is this one lady that CONSTANTLY asks me personal questions. I mean it would be ok if she didn't ask them in front of other people...and if she actually wanted to know about Islam...but I think she is just so damn nosy she has to makes me feel like she thinks Muslims are different kinds of people...I mean we all get off work, go to our families, eat dinner, wash, then go to sleep like anyone else. Al hamdililah I know this is my way of struggling for God's sake, but it is so annoying sometimes the absolute ignorance that people have towards other religions. All because of a piece of cloth that covers my hair. It is a literal barrier between me and other people. I don't understand how something as simple as clothing could cause such a reaction in people. If I wore hat on my head everyday would people ask me dumb questions like that?????

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